This can be downloaded (Save option) or opened directly (Open option) from here. All of the fields can be entered using drop-down lists except Other Information, which is just 3 text fields
To enter a piece in the diagram, click on the square and select the piece from the drop-down list. The Black pieces are those in brackets. If a piece has been mistakenly entered in a square, right-click on the square and delete the contents in the box at the top of the spreadsheet
When complete save the spreadsheet under a different name (Save As on the File menu) and send as an email attachment to the SCCA Inter-Club Tournaments Director and to the SCCA Inter-Club Tournaments Administrator at the email addresses given on the SCCA website. In the email, indicate the match concerned, but don't enter anything on the form itself which would identify the clubs or players
This is for the case when a paper adjudication form has to be used. The form can be downloaded from here and copies printed out using the free Adobe Reader. If you don't have Adobe Reader, it can be downloaded from here
When complete send the form to the SCCA Inter-Club Tournaments Director at the postal address given on the SCCA website. In the covering letter, indicate the match concerned, but don't enter anything on the form itself which would identify the clubs or players