South Norwood Chess Club

We have no formal Covid policy or requirements of visitors. The premises are well ventilated. Players or teams visiting may request to use our Large Hall (in the case of teams, preferably in advance).

Small Hall, West Thornton Community Centre, 731-735 London Rd, Thornton Heath, CR7 6AU
Meet on Thursdays from September to July, 7.30pm
Established 1881

Match start time 7:30pm

President Paul Dupre 75 Warwick Road,Sutton,Surrey, SM 1 4BL
07833 297409

Secretary Ken Chamberlain 46 Brian Ave, Sanderstead, CR2 9NE
020 8657 6792

Treasurer Simon Lea 020 8670 2687

Fixtures Officer Ken Chamberlain 46 Brian Ave, Sanderstead, CR2 9NE
020 8657 6792

Enquiries Simon Lea 020 8670 2687

Beaumont Cup (1st team) Simon Lea 020 8670 2687

Centenary Trophy (2nd team) Ken Chamberlain 46 Brian Ave, Sanderstead, CR2 9NE
020 8657 6792

Lauder Trophy Ken Chamberlain 46 Brian Ave, Sanderstead, CR2 9NE
020 8657 6792


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Click here to download South Norwood's squad list as a PDF file, which can be opened or saved for printing on your computer