Epsom Chess Club

Meets on Mondays from 7.30pm
Epsom Christian Fellowship, 22 West Hill, Epsom, KT19 8JD
Parking is available in nearby roads such as Wheelers Lane and Court Lane and also in the small car park opposite the church.
Junior club meets on Thursdays from 6.45-8.45pm at Epsom Christian Fellowship, 22 West Hill, Epsom, KT19 8JD

For SCCA league matches, our playing session starts at 7.30pm and ends at 10.30pm (unless otherwise agreed between match captains).

President Marcus Gosling marcus94gosling@gmail.com 07711 946455

Secretary David Flewellen davidflewellen@gmail.com 07403 684369

Treasurer Lucy Emery lucyemery@rocketmail.com

Fixtures Officer David Flewellen davidflewellen@gmail.com 07403 684369

Events Manager Susan Lalic suelalic@aol.com

Junior Coach Marcus Gosling marcus94gosling@gmail.com 07711 946455

Assistant Junior Coach David Flewellen davidflewellen@gmail.com 07403 684369

Diversity Officer Lucy Emery lucyemery@rocketmail.com

Safeguarding Officer Chris Wright

Equipment Manager Haris Nisic

Internal Competitions Manager Michael Wickham michaelwickham@btinternet.com 07761 043728

New Member Integration Manager David Flewellen davidflewellen@gmail.com 07403 684369

Father of the Club Brian Skinner brianskinner3@hotmail.co.uk 07768 194663

Esteemed Honorary Member Hector Marshall

Surrey Trophy (1st team) James Pooler james.pooler123@gmail.com

Ellam Trophy (2nd team) Marcus Gosling marcus94gosling@gmail.com 07711 946455

Ellam Trophy (3rd team) David Flewellen davidflewellen@gmail.com

Centenary Trophy (4th team) Alistair Mackenzie alraiox@outlook.com 07910 596065

Minor Trophy (5th team) Anthony Hunter anthony.hunter88@gmail.com 07515 534609

Minor Trophy (6th team) Michael Wickham michaelwickham@btinternet.com 07761 043728

Fred Manning Trophy Andrew Coppin andrewcoppin87@hotmail.com 07783 777874

Stoneleigh Trophy Michael Wickham michaelwickham@btinternet.com 07403 684369

Ellery Williams Trophy (women's team) Lucy Emery lucyemery@rocketmail.com

Alexander Cup Marcus Gosling marcus94gosling@gmail.com 07711 946455

Lauder Trophy Marcus Gosling marcus94gosling@gmail.com 07711 946455


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